Herbal and Flower Tea

44 products

Showing 1 - 44 of 44 products
Golden Luo Han Guo - 黄金罗汉果
菊花 - Chrysanthemum
菊花 - Chrysanthemum
Sale price$6
胎菊 - Chrysanthemum Bud
胎菊 - Chrysanthemum Bud
Sale priceFrom $4
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Honeysuckle - 金银花
Honeysuckle - 金银花
Sale price$3 Regular price$4
Dried Hawthorn - 山楂干Dried Hawthorn - 山楂干
Dried Hawthorn - 山楂干
Sale priceFrom $3
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Eyes Nourishing Tea - 清肝明目茶
Roselle - 洛神花
Roselle - 洛神花
Sale priceFrom $3 Regular price$9
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Eight Treasure Tea - 八宝茶
Peach Osmanthus Oolong Tea - 蜜桃桂花乌龙茶
Dried Lemon - 柠檬干
Dried Lemon - 柠檬干
Sale priceFrom $2.50 Regular price$12.50
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排毒明目茶 - Detoxing Herbal Tea
罗汉果润喉茶 - Luo Han Guo Herbal Tea
补气养颜茶 - Bu Qi Yang Yan Herbal Tea
Roselle Red Date Tea - 玫瑰茄高颜茶
Five Flower Tea - 五花茶
Five Flower Tea - 五花茶
Sale price$6.50
French Rose - 法国玫瑰
Honey Lemon Tea Cube - 柠檬蜂蜜冰糖块
Chrysanthemum Tea Cube - 黄菊蜂蜜冰糖块
Osmanthus - 桂花
Osmanthus - 桂花
Sale price$10
Snow Chrysanthemum - 昆仑雪菊
Snow Chrysanthemum - 昆仑雪菊
Sale priceFrom $4 Regular price$12
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French Rose Oolong Tea - 玫瑰组合茶
Red Bean Barley Tea - 红豆薏米茶
Buckwheat Tea - 苦荞茶
Ginseng Burdock Tea - 人参五宝茶
Jasmine Flower - 茉莉花
Cooked Cassia Seed - 炒决明子
Lavender - 薰衣草
Lavender - 薰衣草
Sale price$5
Malt Tea - 大麦茶
Malt Tea - 大麦茶
Sale price$4.50
Mulberry Leaves Tea - 桑叶茶
Peach Flower Tea - 桃花茶
Kumquat Chrysanthemum Tea - 金桔宿清茶
Dandelion Tea - 蒲公英茶
Burdock Tea - 牛蒡茶
Luo Han Guo Flower - 罗汉果花
Hawthorn Honey Tea Cube - 山楂蜂蜜冰糖块
Lotus Leaves Tea - 荷叶茶
Purple Rose - 紫玫瑰
Phnom Penh Rose - 金边玫瑰
Barley Hawthorn Tea - 薏麦七星茶
绞股蓝茶 - Jiao Gu Lan Herbal Tea
田七花 - Panax Notoginseng Flower
Ginseng Flower - 人参花

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